Parent Engagement Livestream #1

Parent Engagement Livestream #1
4/3/2024, 8:00 PM 9:00 PM

Your Catholic School Parent Council invites you to join our Zoom livestream with the link here tomorrow evening with Occupational Therapist Martha Scott, who will be presenting information about Children's Emotional Regulation/Parent Co-regulation and Resiliency. Participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions and interact with our presenter.

We will also provide a gathering space at the school to broadcast the livestream. If you would like to join us in our Library to view the livestream, please call the school or reply to this email so we know how many guests to expect. Thank you to your Catholic School Parent Council for providing these wonderful and relevant opportunities for parent engagement. Click here for the information poster!

The Zoom Meeting ID is 891 0452 9915 and the Passcode is 097976

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